ORANGE ROUGE 2017年6月12日發售: NENDOROID《DRAMAtical Murder 戲劇性謀殺》Mink 4,800YEN連稅

黏土人 Mink

出自PC遊戲『DRAMAtical Murder 戲劇性謀殺』,身纏無數絕望的現役死刑犯「Mink」化身為“黏土人”登場!表情零件備有「普通臉」、能感受到各種情感的「閉眼臉」。配件零件有愛用的「煙管」以及在他達成畢生心願時手中握著的「求生用小刀」。還附鸚鵡造型的智能夥伴「TORI」。當然也不能錯過他充滿特色的雷鬼頭、手銬、裝飾等等細節造型。另外,更附蒼葉用的「受傷臉」,與另售的「黏土人 蒼葉&蓮」一同擺飾,就能再現對蒼葉施加制裁的那一幕。

“Do you understand the situation you’ve been put in?”
From the PC game ‘DRAMAtical Murder’ comes a Nendoroid of the condemned convict who went through unfathomable despair – Mink! He comes with two face plates including his standard expression as well as an expression with closed eyes that can be used to convey all sorts of different emotions.
Optional parts include his beloved smoking pipe as well as the survival knife that fulfilled his wish. His parrot-type ‘ALL-MATE’ Tori is also included to display beside him. The details of his dreadlocks, handcuffs and other unique accessories have been sculpted with careful attention to detail. In addition, an injured expression for use on Nendoroid Aoba is also included, allowing you to recreate the scene where Mink imposes sanctions on Aoba.
*The first edition will include a special package background sheet.






PCゲーム『DRAMAtical Murder』より、計り知れない絶望を身にまとった現役の死刑囚「ミンク」が“ねんどろいど”になって登場!表情は「通常顔」のほか、様々な感情を感じさせる「目閉じ顔」をご用意。オプションパーツは、喫煙する際に用いる愛用の「キセル」のほか、大願を成就したミンクが手にしていた「サバイバルナイフ」が付属。オウム型のオールメイト「トリ」も一緒です。ドレッドヘアや手錠、装飾など細部の造形にもぜひご注目ください。さらに、蒼葉用「やられ顔」も付属しますので、発売中の「ねんどろいど 蒼葉&蓮(別売り)」と組み合わせることで蒼葉へ制裁をくわえるシーンが再現可能です。

仕様: ABS&PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア・ノンスケール・専用台座付属・全高:約100mm
原型制作: 七兵衛

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